Added: May/30/2006 at 12:06am | IP Logged
Umm i am a bit confused, what is "objCct" I use "objCnt", can you take a look at my script again, i think the problem isn't what you said because the settings are the same as what you asked me to set them. I think the problem is here"("/blah/blah.mdb")" Maybe i typed wrong last time. Here is my script.
<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <% Dim dbProvider, dbDataSource, objCnt, strSQL dbProvider = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" dbDataSource = Server.MapPath("\Runeanswers\rsdb.mdb")
Set objCnt = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") objCnt.Open dbProvider & "Data Source=" & dbDataSource
if len(Request("username")) > 25 Then response.write "Name should not longer than 25 character." response.write "<P><A href = 'rsform.htm'>Reenter</A>" elseif isnumeric(left(Request("username"),1)) Then response.write "Name cant start with number." response.write "<P><A href = 'rsform.htm'>Reenter</A>" else strSQL="INSERT INTO uplandspkclan (username,gender," strSQL=strSQL & "pked,abilities,comments)" strSQL=strSQL & " VALUES " strSQL=strSQL & "('" & Cstr(Request.Form("Username")) & "'," strSQL=strSQL & "'" & Cstr(Request.Form("gender")) & "'," strSQL=strSQL & "'" & Cstr(Request.Form("pked")) & "'," strSQL=strSQL & "'" & Cstr(Request.Form("abilities")) & "'," strSQL=strSQL & "'" & Cstr(Request.Form("comments")) & "')" response.write "Record Insert Successfully! Welcome to the Uplands clan!" response.write "The clan is uplandsclan, password is avenge ourselves destroy others. response.write "<P><A HREF = 'rsform.htm'>Enter Again</A>" response.write "<P><A HREF = 'rslist.asp'>See all the people who have joined!</A>" response.write "Wana <a href=sign.asp>login</a>? response.write "Go back to <a href=index.asp></a>! objCnt.Execute(strSQL) end if objCnt.Close set objCnt = nothing