I am trying to split a string in two, at a set distance, but it needs
to be between words. I am able to do a left(string,250) no
problem, but it could end up in the middle of a word.
Any easy ideas?
Thanks for trying to help, but I figured it out. I guess I shouldn't have said strings, what I was trying to do is take a whole sentence and split it into two
seperate ones, but couldn't have it split in the middle of a
word. I ended up using InStrRev.
Thanks again
Edited by BradSullivan on April/21/2005 at 12:52pm
What I was trying to do was split a sentence in half, but make sure it wasn't in the middle of a word, which is done with:
left(MyInput,InStrRev( MyInput, " ",2000))
It's like doing a left(MyInput,2000) which returns the first 2000 characters, but the "InStrRev" makes sure its at a space.
You can get the remainder of the sentence using:
right(MyInput,len(MyInput) - InStrRev( MyInput, " ",2000))
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