Added: July/29/2005 at 3:18am | IP Logged
I am working with a form where the user enters personal information like name and email address that will go into a database. I am a real ASP newbie, and I need some help. I basically need the form to check the information the user has submitted and make sure it's not already in the database. The fields we want to check are:
email address: email_address first name: first_name last name: last_name
If the info is already in the database, there should be a response.write that says something like "sorry, you already registered."
The form action's asp file has the following code:
<% Dim chkContact, random_number
' begin random function randomize
' random numbers is the varible that will contain a numeriv value ' between one and nine random_number=int(rnd*90000)+1 random_number = right(CStr(random_number + 1000000),5)
' write the random number out to the browser 'response.write random_number
If Request.Form("signup") = "Yes" Then chkContact = True Else chkContact = False End If
strSQL = "SELECT * from user_info"
Set r_user_info = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") r_user_info.Open strSQL, strConnect, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText ' r_user_info.MoveLast ' iOrderCode = r_user_info.Fields("OrderCode").Value + 1
' response.write "This is a test:"&Trim(Request.Form("pets_name"))
r_user_info.AddNew r_user_info.Fields("dAdded").Value = Date() ' r_user_info.Fields("OrderCode").Value = iOrderCode r_user_info.Fields("pet_name").Value = Trim(Request.Form("pets_name")) r_user_info.Fields("petType").Value = Trim(Request.Form("petType")) r_user_info.Fields("petTypeOther").Value = Trim(Request.Form("petTypeOther")) r_user_info.Fields("signup").Value = chkContact r_user_info.Fields("zip").Value = Trim(Request.Form("zip")) r_user_info.Fields("state").Value = Trim(Request.Form("state")) r_user_info.Fields("city").Value = Trim(Request.Form("city")) r_user_info.Fields("email_address").Value = Trim(Request.Form("email_address")) r_user_info.Fields("last_name").Value = Trim(Request.Form("last_name")) r_user_info.Fields("first_name").Value = Trim(Request.Form("first_name")) r_user_info.Fields("random_number").Value = random_number r_user_info.Update
r_user_info.Close set r_user_info = Nothing
Response.Redirect "result.asp?z="&Trim(Request.Form("zip"))&"&fn=" &Trim(Request.Form("first_name"))&"&ln="&Tri m(Request.Form("last_name"))&"&rc="&random_numbe r %>
Since I am so new at this, I need someone to give me the code and show me where to put it in the above script.