Added: May/27/2005 at 6:43am | IP Logged
I want show records in .asp page. in page i collecting checkbox values which are submited to this .asp page. i am storing that values in one variable & passing that to query. but i am getting an error can anybody tell me how to do it. i have written following code.
dim strIDS
strIDs = Replace(Request.Form, "&chk1=", ",") strIDs = Replace(strIDs, "chk1=", "")
set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") mydb = Server.MapPath("db/trycera.mdb") con.mode=adModeReadWrite con.connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="& mydb &";Persist Security Info=False" "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="& mydb &";Persist Security Info=False" set rs=con.execute("select * FROM ulogin WHERE username IN (" & strIDs & ")")
chk1 is name of checkbox values i am taking checkbox values from another page.
there problem in query only,how to write please tell me.