Added: June/13/2006 at 1:34am | IP Logged
this is my code...and i want the code to display two fields together concatenate them in the list box that is the code and description...when i run it with in the browser displays a Error Type: Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A03EE) Expected ')'
<form name="frmSelect" method="Post" action="test2.asp">
<SELECT name=exmp LANGUAGE=javascript onchange="return dept_onchange(frmSelect)"> <% Set oRs=Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") strSQL = "SELECT code ,description FROM projects" oRs.Open strSQL, conn Do while not oRs.EOF if Request.Form("code") = oRs("Code") then Response.Write ("<option value=" & oRs.Fields("code") & ">" & oRs.Fields("description") & "</option> " oRs.MoveNext else
Response.Write ("<option value=" & oRs.Fields("code") & ">" & oRs.Fields("description") & "</option> " oRs.MoveNext end if loop %>
__________________ BoBo