Added: December/02/2004 at 9:38am | IP Logged
I display work request records from a db table into a .html table dynamically by cycling through the db table until RS.EOF. To the right of each record displayed I have two checkboxes, "chk_dev_accept", "chk_dev_sendnotif". These are the only editable items on the page. "chk_dev_accept" is clicked by the developer to assign the work request to his/herself. "chk_dev_sendnotif" is clicked if the developer wants to notify the customer that the status of the job has changed (optional and automatic - I don't have a problem with this part). Upon clicking the "Update Record" button, I want the records with the checkboxes clicked to update. The db record fields that would be updated are: "dev_developer" (The developer that will do the job, read from a cookie) and "dev_proj_status" (changed to 'Assigned'). These two fields should update when the "chk_dev_accept" is clicked and form submitted. I want the developer to check as many records as he/she wishes. My problem is I'm not sure how to code that <input checkbox....> tag, and then, how to take that checked value to select the appropriate records to update. As always, thanks for any help, and if I need to clarify anything, I will be monitoring this string. Thanks, Chris ~`^%
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In Vino Veritas