Added: July/05/2005 at 5:11am | IP Logged
I am doing an access database connectivity with asp. I have included the in my asp code. and i have written codes by which i can retrieve the records from the table. But when i click on the submit button(which is there in another asp file) it gives me page cannot be displayed error. But when i remove this code and put a simple response.write,it works. Pls help me to solve this problem asap.Hope u got the scenario. This is the code::
<!-- #include file="" -->
Dim Conn dim rsResults1 Dim SQLstr
Set conn = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection") "Library"
Set rsResults1=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
SQLstr="Select count(*) as mcount from user where user_name='" & Trim(request.Form("txt_name")) &"'"
Edited by Gins on July/05/2005 at 5:19am