Joined: July/04/2005 Location: United Kingdom
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Added: July/04/2005 at 12:47pm | IP Logged
Hi some one out there must do how to do this,
I have been able to return results from the database when a client id is selected but i need it to do this,
for sa users, instead of having to choose a client, if they haven't
chosen one display all records received today from every received table
( received_0 , recived_1 etc etc)
heres some of the code:
' Get the received messages from the received table(s)
if session("sa") = "true" then
if len(client) = 0 then
receivedtable = "received_0"
arrivaldatetime = " arrivaldatetime >= '"&dfrom&"' and arrivaldatetime <= '"&dto&"'"
receivedtable = "received_"&client
arrivaldatetime = " arrivaldatetime >= '"&dfrom&"' and arrivaldatetime <= '"&dto&"'"
end if
receivedtable = "received_"&session("clientid")
arrivaldatetime = " arrivaldatetime >= '"&dfrom&"' and arrivaldatetime <= '"&dto&"'"
end if
if len(client) = 0 then clientsql = "" else clientsql = " and client = '"&client&"'"
if len(shortcode) = 0 then shortcodesql = "" else shortcodesql = " and destination_adr = '"&shortcode&"'"
if len(keyword) = 0 then
keywordsql = ""
if ubound(split(keyword," ")) = 0 then
keywordsql = " and prime_keyword = '"&keyword&"'"
keywordsql = " and prime_keyword = '"&split(keyword," ")(0)&"' and sec_keyword='"&split(keyword," ")(1)&"'"
end if
end if
mySQL = "SELECT * FROM "&receivedtable&" WHERE
"&arrivaldatetime&clientsql&shortcodesql& amp;keywordsql&"
ORDER BY arrivaldatetime ASC"
set received = dbConn.execute(mySQL)
' Loop round the received messages and write out
while not received.eof
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