Added: June/20/2004 at 3:10pm | IP Logged
Hi Guys,
I need to combine a script like the following ;
with my ASP product listing code.. which looks like this:
If Trim("X"&rs("Thumbnail")) = "X" Then thmbnl = "" Else thmbnl = "<img src=""img/products/"&rs("Thumbnail")&""" vspace=2 hspace=2 align=left border=0 alt="&KeywordExcerpt(strContent, 75, 76)&">" Response.Write"<tr"&bgColor&""&dynrow&"&g t;<td"&dyngo&" valign=""middle""><font color=""#333333"" size=""1"" face=""Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif""><A HREF=""default.asp?pg=products&specific="&Encrypt(rs ("ITEMID"))&""">"&thmbnl&"<b> Image Name: </b>"&rs("ITEMNAME")&"<br><b> Description: </b>"&Excerpt(rs("DESCRIP"),200,170)&"</td& gt;</A>"&_
I would prefer to use DHTML to do a popup of the large product image (from the column "ImageFile" in the DB) as I have a feeling it might be less susceptible to pop-up blocking software than javascript. The end result should however be the same, I would just like the user to be able to rollover the product thumbnail that is displayed from the above code and have the IMG show up as a centered frameless window with no toolbars or such.
Additionally, it'd be great if the picture was scaled to a certain size automatically; the 'big' product pics are 720 pixels wide or high. Having these pictures scaled down to 300 pixels or so would be great for loading times..