Added: April/27/2004 at 8:09pm | IP Logged
Using ASP to dynamically change the contents of a frameset
Here is an example if you wanted to load different pages into your frameset. This will give you the basic idea and then you will be able to adapt this to many situations.
Lets say your frameset page was default.asp
You can feed it different variables for what pages you want it to intially load like so
Below is the code for the page with frameset info
And lastly make sure you make the frameset page an "ASP" page or none of this will work.
<%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <% PAGE1 = REQUEST.QUERYSTRING("PAGE1 ") %> <% If PAGE1 = "" Then %> <% PAGE1 = "StandardPage1.asp" %> <% End If %> <% PAGE2 = REQUEST.QUERYSTRING("PAGE2 ") %> <% If PAGE2 = "" Then %> <% PAGE2 = "StandardPage2.asp" %> <% End If %>
<head> <title></title> </head>
<frameset rows="71,*"> <frame name="top" scrolling="no" noresize target="main" src="<% =PAGE1%>"> <frame name="main" src="<% =PAGE2 %>" scrolling="auto"> </frameset> </html>
Edited by cwilliams on April/27/2004 at 8:21pm
Chris Williams